Week 1: RunwayMl Video

 Nolan Fasel 

Through the past couple of years there have been an abundance of new AI formulas and models coming to the internet that people can use for all types of ideas. One new one that was introduced in this class this week was RunwayML. When I saw what we were able to do with this new AI model I wanted to test it out and see it capabilities. I was pleasantly surprised at how well it can interpret words and turn it into a video that is almost identical to what I was thinking.

I was looking at a couple of the things my classmates did and it was interesting to see all of the different things that you can describe to the model and what it will produce. What I decided to do was a vivid imagery of a man standing on a cliff overlooking an erupting volcano. With an image like this there is a lot of detail that goes into it and I wanted to see how specific and detailed the model could make the image that I was thinking of. Exactly what I was thinking is what the AI was able to spit out for me. It is truly unique to see how these AI models can work. I did not think that the image it gave me would be as close to what I was thinking as it was. It will be interesting to see how the models continue to grow in the years to come. 



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