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Week 8: Ai's Abilities in Business Economics

  Nolan Fasel  My major at Benedictine is Business and Economics so I wanted to do a little research and see the benefits and abilities of AI in that space. I realized how useful it can be in not only this field of business but also in every form of business that you can think of. The automation and speed that is provides for certain mundane tasks not only speeds someone's job up it also gets rid of a lot of the tasks that are not as important. Some of the things that it can do really blew me away.  It offers unprecedented abilities in business and economics by enabling data-driven decision-making, automation of repetitive tasks, and predictive analytics. In business, AI algorithms can analyze vast datasets to identify market trends, customer preferences, and areas for optimization, thus empowering organizations to make informed strategic decisions and stay competitive in dynamic markets. Additionally, AI-powered automation streamlines processes across various business functions, f

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